More recently, micro-structures surface on the application performances of materials have increasingly been reported. These are inspired by natural phenomena such as the self-cleaning effect of lotus leaves and these micro-structures surface are called superhydrophobic surfaces. Superhydrophobic surfaces are increasingly applied in anti-corrosion, anti-icing, oil-water separation, friction reduction, liquid transportation, self-cleaning, and high-efficiency light absorption capabilities etc.
With high processing precision and flexibility, we can offer solutions to process superhydrophobic surfaces. We can offer laser surface-structuring or laser patterning technology, a technique that constructs micro- structures on various materials surfaces. Almost all the materials can be applied, including all the metals, hard and brittle material, like glass, ceramics, sapphire, quartz, and polymers etc.
We can customize micro-structures to produce requird superhydrophobic surfaces, prototype and small quantity are all available.
Superhydrophobic Metal Surfaces

Micro structures
As a one-step maskless fabrication technique, laser micro-surface-structuring also has been applied to the reflection and wettability control of surfaces, electrochemical reactions, and microbial cell retention.
Check the follwing link for more micro-structure fabrication.
Pls contact us for more flexibilities and more information.